The Five Kids Stocking Stuffers You Need to Buy NOW

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As the father of a 2 & 5 year old, kids stocking stuffers is usually just running to CVS or Walgreens the night of because I forgot every single one.

Here’s a handful of actual items your kids will like.

PopTubes- Kids love these. Anything under $10 is great.

For what its worth the 30 pack at $20 is probably the best deal here

Here’s a link to the 30 pack directly.

Tiny Lego Sets- This Yoshi one is great. Aim for Sub <$10

These will keep kids busy on Xmas morning for about 15-20 mins at max.

That’s 15 to 20 mins for coffee. Not the worst thing.

Expect that they’ll loose pieces soon after.

Here’s a link another set just as good- around the same price.

A Cheap digital watch- Kids love this. Aim for under $30

They’ll wear this from a month, then you’ll never see it again until they want it at 8pm before they want to go to bed in June.

Then you’ll find it again.

However, you’ll be the hero of Christmas as this might be their favorite gift.

Target age range to give this is around 4-7.

Any sort of “squishy” aim for under $10

My two going on 3 year old is obsessed with these and my 5 going on 6 year old is just as obsessed.

What’s more interesting is I found these things to be one of the greatest stressballs I’ve ever seen. So you can add someone whose on the wrong side of 30 to them as a fan as well.

Grinch Plush- Aim for Under $10

Some sort of Christmas plush is always a great idea. I got this exact one for my kids last year and they loved it!

That’s all folks. These 5 items will give you a some time to relax on Christmas morning as the kids will play with each and every one of them.

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